Carers Voice

Support for carers to get their voices heard, to influence health and social care provision and the services of Carers Support.

We are committed to enabling carers to increase decision-makers understanding of the issues they face and to influence the development of strategies, policies and procedures affecting carers in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

The issues that carers face are best understood and addressed when carers, decision-makers and staff share their understanding and work together to find a solution.

Services and support that make sense to those who use them work best. Councils and the NHS have a duty to listen and involve carers in policies and services development. 

The lived experience of caring makes you an expert on carers’ issues. By joining this panel, you will be able to have your say by taking part in our focus groups, surveys and polls.

We need to know from you what issues you experience, what services and support that you are using are working or not working, and what is missing.

Any carers caring for adults and from all caring backgrounds can join, for example, if you are caring for an adult with dementia, frailty, learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, mental and physical health difficulties, substance misuse etc.

The commitment can be as much or as little as you choose, and whenever it suits your life circumstances. Your involvement can be online, in person or a mixture of both.

To join the Panel please contact:

Susy Giullari, Carers Policy, Engagement & Involvement Lead.
Tel: 07521 945 943

Could you be a carer representative?

If you are passionate about making local changes for carers, have the time to attend caring partnerships meetings regularly, and occasionally get involved in co-production work, then this voluntary role is for you!

We work with you to make sure that you are treated as an equal partner around the table. We will train you in representation and lobbying. You will gain knowledge about local policies, how they are made and influencing skills.

To become a carer representative please contact:

Susy Giullari, Carers Policy, Engagement & Involvement Lead.
Tel: 07521 945 943

Each year, we hold two events, as part of Carers’ UK national campaign – one in June for Carers Week and and one in November for Carers Rights Day.

These campaigns are about raising awareness of the rights and challenges faced by carers and the contributions they make to society and the economy throughout the UK. 

Our events provide opportunities for you to meet local decision-makers and have your say, meet other carers and find out information to help you in your caring role.

We’ll keep you informed by eNewsletter, this website, Carers News and social media about these events and how to join.

Carers Support Centre invites carers and professionals supporting carers across Bristol and South Gloucestershire to our annual free Carers Week 2024 event! 

During Carers Week 2024, on Thursday 13 June, we’re presenting a special event for you at the BAWA Leisure Centre. 

The day will cover many aspects of your caring life and present practical information to help you while giving you the chance to meet with other carers and get a bit of well-deserved pampering.  

Give your feedback to local and national consultations on proposed plans, regulations, services and policies that affect carers.

Parents and Carers Advisory Panel

Are you a parent or carer who has struggled to balance work with caring for your loved ones? Do you want to see changes to make life easier for parents and carers?

Working Families are currently looking for parents and carers who have recent experience of the challenges faced in the workplace to join their Parents and Carers Advisory Panel.

This is such an important role. You’ll be ensuring they’re working on the issues that matter and helping to bring about change. The panel has regular online meet-ups, but you can also contribute your feedback in other ways. In return, you can share your experiences, receive training on speaking to the media (if you’re comfortable doing so) and develop your skills in influencing and designing services.

Future care and support for people in their homes in South Gloucestershire

South Gloucestershire Council is reviewing how home care is purchased in the area and they want to hear your views.

They are also looking at how they work with care services to support you and the person you care for to live the lives you want to lead.

To help the process, the Council wants to hear from people receiving home care in their homes and Extra Care Housing settings.

The Survey of Parents and Carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability

Here is a chance for parents to tell Bristol Council what Local Area SEND services are doing well and what needs to improve.

The closing date is 30th April and there’s also a prize draw for Love2Shop vouchers.

Strategic Care Partner for Learning Disabilities and Autism Consultation 2024

Bristol City Council is consulting on proposals to change the way it buys services for people with learning disabilities and autistic people.

Carers’ survey on learning disabilities and health

What kind of support do carers need to support people with learning disabilities to improve their health and at the same time maintain good health for themselves?

Our survey on behalf of the South Glos Learning Disabilities Partnership Board gives you the chance to inform decision-makers and providers in health, and social care on these vital subjects.

By taking part in research studies, you will help create evidence about the issues carers face, what works, what doesn’t and what is missing.

We make sure that researchers value your expertise and participation, by covering your travel expenses, paying for your time with vouchers and/or organising feedback events with lunch.  

Local and national decision-makers are more likely to listen to us when we back up lived experiences with evidence from research studies.

If you want to get your voice heard as a carer but are not sure how, please contact:

Susy Giullari, Carers Policy, Engagement & Involvement Lead.
Tel: 07521 945 943

Page last updated 23.04.24