Government inquiry – share your caring experiences

The House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee has launched a major inquiry called “Lifting the veil: Removing the invisibility of adult social care”.

Susy Giullari, our Carers Policy, Engagement & Involvement Lead will be collecting responses from carers. She will be submitting this evidence to parliament.

This is an opportunity for you to let parliament know what carers need. If you would like to take part, please submit your answers to Susy by 22nd of May 2022.

For more information, contact Susy:

The list of questions are below. You do not need to answer every question. It is absolutely fine to send a list of issues, if you do not have time to write full responses to the questions.

Better support for unpaid carers
1. What, in addition to the support that has already been pledged by the Government, would be the most effective thing that could be done to raise the profile, as well as to improve the identification and support of carers? What examples exist to demonstrate that better identifying and supporting of carers leads to better outcomes for those for whom they care?
2. How can carers who wish to do so be better enabled to stay in work or rejoin the workforce? What needs to change to achieve this?
3. What are the key priorities for carers in terms of their own support, wellbeing and resilience? How and where can these best be provided?
4. To what extent do carers make use of alternative forms of support, such as the voluntary community? Is there any scope for them to draw on those assets more and how might they be enabled to do that? Are there examples where this happens successfully now?
5. How valued and respected are carers in the overall adult social care system and what are the consequences of failing to value and respect them?
6. What can be done to make sure that social care professionals recognise the expertise of carers and value them as full and equal partners in care, who are included as part of the whole team, so that there is greater synergy between paid and unpaid care?
7. Why is the current care system so difficult to access for carers? What needs to be put in place so that carers can simply understand what is available to them as a right and discretion, and the person they support? Do you know of good practice examples? How can these examples be expanded more widely across the system?

CLICK HERE to read more on the UK Parliament website.