Help for carers with the cost-of-living crisis

The Cost-of-Living Crisis is affecting everyone in the UK. With inflation having topped 10% for the first time since 1982 many people are finding it more difficult to make ends meets.   

It is the case that while all are being affected to some degree, some are affected more than others and often carers fall into the category of hardest hit. 

In trying to tackle the crisis carers can be doubly constrained. Because of their caring responsibilities many are limited in the amount of income they can bring into the household. Additionally, carers have areas of expenditure that they just can’t afford to cut back on.   

While on a national level we are once again calling on the Government to stop ignoring unpaid carers, we recognise that for many help is needed now.

Here are sources of information and help, both national and local, to aid carers in Bristol and South Gloucestershire in tackling the cost-of-living crisis.

Main cost-of-living support schemes


New direct Cost of Living Payments to households on means tested benefits.

Totaling up to £900 in the 2023-24 financial year. For eligible households in receipt of one of the following:

  • Universal Credit
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit.

Disability Cost of Living Payment

Individuals on disability benefits will receive a one-off £150 payment in September to help with extra costs, such as for specialist equipment or transport.

Energy Bills Support Scheme

£400 off energy bills for households in Great Britain from this October. This automatic, non-repayable discount will be applied in six instalments between October 2022 and March 2023 to help households through winter.

Winter Fuel Payment

In the winter months pensioners can get between £100 and £300 to help pay heating bills.

Pensioner Cost of Living Payment

This winter, pensioners will also receive an extra one-off £300 Pensioner Cost of Living Payment, which will be paid as an automatic top-up to the Winter Fuel Payment.

Cold weather payments

£25 extra a week if you’re getting certain benefits is available during the winter when the temperature is zero or below for more than seven days.

You can find more information on eligibility and how to apply for all of the above schemes on this Government website Help for Households – Get government cost of living support.

South Gloucestershire

Council tax

You might be able to get a council tax deduction or spread payments over 12 months (rather than 10).

Household support fund

Helps people who are struggling to buy food, pay energy and water bills or cover other essential living costs, and meet eligibility criteria.

Welfare grant scheme

This scheme can help with basic essentials in a crisis or emergency.

Housing costs

You can apply for Universal Credit or Housing Benefit if you are struggling to pay your rent.

If you are already receiving Universal Credit or Housing Benefit you can apply for Discretionary Housing Payment.

Many mortgage providers will help people who are struggling to pay their mortgage. For example, you can ask if you can temporarily stop your mortgage payments.


These food banks provide short-term, emergency support with food during a crisis: Patchway, Yate, Thornbury, Resound, East Bristol. You will need to be referred. In Cadbury Heath, Juice Community Project can help with emergency food parcels (and shopping, prescription pick-ups). No referral is needed.

Free school meals and holiday activities

Your child may be able to get these in Year 3 and above if you get certain benefits.

You can find more information on eligibility and how to apply for all of the above schemes by

Welcoming spaces 

Community Welcome Spaces offer a warm and friendly welcome and are free to use. They are often located in a community centre or a town or village hall. Some offer hot drinks, activities and information on local financial support, energy saving tips and help with the cost of living. 

You can find your nearest Community Welcome Space on South Gloucestershire Council’s website at or call the Council on their freephone helpline 0800 953 7778 (open 8.45am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8.45am to 4.30pm Friday) to talk to a Customer Care Officer in confidence. 

All of South Gloucestershire’s libraries also provide a warm and friendly place to stay for as long as you like within their opening times. Many have coffee and tea-making facilities during staffed hours. 


Housing costs

You can apply for Universal Credit or Housing Benefit if you are struggling to pay your rent. If you are already receiving Universal Credit or Housing Benefit you can apply for our Discretionary Housing Payment. Many mortgage providers will help people who are struggling to pay their mortgage. For example, you can ask if you can temporarily stop your mortgage payments.

Bright Green Homes project

Can support eligible residents to install energy saving measures to their home, including cavity wall insulation.

Local crisis prevention fund

If you’re going through a one-off crisis and need emergency help, you can apply for support, including small emergency payments for food and new or second-hand household goods.

Council Tax

Applications for the £150 council tax rebate are now closed. But you can still apply for the discretionary fund if you were not eligible for the £150 payment.

Food Clubs

List of local food clubs, provide food at a low cost (a bag worth £10 to £15 for £3.50). No need for a voucher or referral. Bristol-FOOD-Clubs-2022.pdf (

Feeding Bristol Food Map

You can find free or low-cost food services in your area including food banks at Feeding Bristol’s Food Provision and Services Map (

You can find more information on eligibility and how to apply for all of the above schemes:

We Are Bristol helpline Call for free on 0800 694 0184 between 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Internet Cost of living support (

Welcoming spaces 

A Welcoming Space is a place already established in the community (such as a community centre, children’s centre or place of faith), where people can meet up, socialise, and access support, relating to the cost of living. Services available at each Welcoming Space will vary but may include: 

  • access to support about money, welfare and mental wellbeing 
  • community activities, including homework club, community meals and film nights 
  • access to computers, free wifi and charging points 
  • heated space 

For your nearest Welcoming Space, visit Bristol City Council’s website at or call their We Are Bristol helpline for free on 0800 694 0184, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm. 

Page created 06.12.2022

Page updated 07.12.2022

Rating: 1 out of 5.