Befriending and connection service

Thanks to funding from St Monica’s Trust, our new Befriending and Connection Service is now open and taking referrals.

Unpaid carers can often feel lonely and isolated because of their caring role and those living in more rural areas can be affected more.

We can match you with a friendly volunteer befriender who will call once a week for six weeks and also link you to support and services in your local area. We can also match you with another carer for ongoing peer support when the six weeks has ended.

This service is available to carers aged 55 years and over, living in the South Gloucestershire area.

To find out more about this service, or be referred, please contact CarersLine:

CarersLine is open:

Monday to Friday: 10 am – 1 pm
Monday to Thursday: 2 pm – 4 pm
(Closed on Bank Holidays)

0117 965 2200

An answerphone operates outside of these hours and your call will be returned when the helpline next opens.

Alternatively, use our contact form to receive a personal reply the same or the next working day.

Further help and advice

Page last updated 10.04.24