Checklist for health professionals

If you feel they are unlikely to seek help, refer or suggest the carer call CarersLine on 0117 965 2200 or fill in the online contact form, for up-to-date information and advice on local services or emotional and practical support.

If you judge the carer’s needs as high risk and they care for an adult:

  • In Bristol, refer them to Adult Social Care:
    0117 922 2700
  • In South Gloucestershire, refer them to Adult Care Customer Services:
    01454 868 007
    SMS Text Service: 07950 080 111 Textphone: 01454 868 010

Or if they care for a child:

  • Refer them to the First Response Team (Bristol) on:
    0117 903 6444
  • In South Gloucestershire, refer them to the Access and Response Team (ART) on:
    01454 866 000 if out of hours please use 01454 615 165

Help the carer to recognise themselves as a carer.

Tell them as a carer they:

  • should add themselves to your Practice Carer Register.
  • are eligible for a free flu injection each autumn.
  • can ask for flexible appointments at your surgery if caring prevents them from otherwise attending.
  • should keep a check on their health and wellbeing and make an appointment with their GP if they feel they are not coping or are unwell.
  • may be eligible for a Carers Assessment from their local authority.

Young carers

If the patient is/ is supported by a young carer, print them off a young carer practice leaflet below.

End of life

Our experience suggests that carers are often left out of end-of-life care discussions, despite their involvement on a day-to-day level. We have produced two checklists, one for carers and one for GPs, to make sure that carers have the information they need. They are designed to be used together.

The carers’ checklist includes, for example, talking to the person they care for about the care they would like; and knowing where they would like to be when they die. The GPs’ checklist includes prompts to make sure carers understand what is happening and what to expect; and to signpost them to organisations who can give support.