
What is a legacy?
A legacy is a special gift left in your Will which is a crucial source of our funding and plays a significant role in giving carers a brighter
future. In addition, because it is a gift to charity, this means it is exempt from tax, so it may reduce the amount of inheritance tax for
which your estate is liable.

All gifts, whatever size, give us vital support. It might be a gift of a few hundred pounds, an item of jewellery, stocks and shares, or an endowment from a memorial fund. Whatever you can afford to leave us – it all counts.

Writing a Will
Writing a Will is essential to enable you to provide for the people and causes you care about. We understand that your loved ones
come first. All we ask, is that once you are happy that you have taken care of your family, you consider our work.

It’s easy to include a gift to us in your Will. However, you should always consult a professional, such as a solicitor or financial
adviser. If you already have a Will, updating it to include a gift to us is quick and straightforward.

If you don’t already have a solicitor, you can find one by visiting www.lawsociety.org.uk

If you are thinking of leaving a gift in your Will to Carers Support Centre read our legacy leaflet and contact us.