“Unpaid carers are not unsung heroes. We are forgotten, neglected and burnt out”

Carers Trust has published its latest adult carer report based on a survey of over 3,400 unpaid carers.

The survey of unpaid carers from across the UK lays bare how an underfunded and broken social care system is placing unsustainable pressure on unpaid carers who are experiencing significant increases in the amount of time they need to care for sick and disabled relatives.

Even more significantly, the survey highlighted alarming inequalities between different groups of carers as to the level of support they can access. Unpaid carers from ethnic minority and LGB+ communities, as well as older carers and female carers, reported greater difficulty in finding and accessing support. 

Survey findings

  • One-in-eight carers (12%) are now caring for at least 50 hours a week more than they used to
  • More than two thirds (68%) are unable to get a respite break from their caring role when needed
  • Over a third (36%) of unpaid carers don’t think the NHS understands their caring responsibilities or provides adequate support to them
  • Only 38% say Carer’s Allowance is enough to make a meaningful difference to them