Autism Independence – BoME Launch

Autism Independence is leading a project to reach out to families from Black,
Asian and other ethnic communities who have an adult with learning disabilities
and/or autism. We want to find out your stories and experiences of services to
support the person with learning disabilities in your family.

Examples of things you could tell us:

  • Are you registered with a GP?
  • In contact with the Community Learning Disability Team e.g. speech
  • therapist or physiotherapy?
  • What is good and bad about the help you get from services?
  • Is there support you need that is not being met?
  • Do you have ideas about what would help your family?
  • What help did you get during Covid?

Autism Independence want to hear people’s stories and experiences of supporting an individual
with a learning disability and/or autism, and their recommendations on how
support can be improved.

If you would like to be involved or you are in contact with families who would like
to tell their story please contact Project Co-ordinator at Autism Independence:
Telephone: 0117 917 5006. (Interpreters can be arranged)