BCC – Cost of Living Social Action Small Grants

Bristol City Council is working with the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE), partner agencies and Quartet Community Foundation to help communities to manage the impact of the cost of living crisis this winter and beyond.

One strand of this is a Cost of Living Small Grant programme to support social action such as:

  • Events and outreach that help communities access support and advice.
  • Supporting community groups to provide welcoming, warm spaces that encourage residents to come together to share, create and socialise.
  • The creation and/or improvement of online resources for communities to access advice and guidance.

The focus of the programme is on supporting activities taking place in the winter months, from October 2022 through to end March 2023, when the effects of the cost of living crisis will be greatest. There will be 3 closing dates for applications before Christmas:

  • Thursday 22 September 2022 at 2pm
  • Thursday 20 October 2022 at 2pm
  • Thursday 24 November 2022 at 2pm

Visit the Quartet website for more information and to apply:
Cost of Living Social Action Small Grant (quartetcf.org.uk)