Carers Campaigning Workshop 16th January

Do you want to get your voice heard on the issues that matter to you?

Carers Trust, Carers Support Centre and BANES Carers’ Centre are hosting a campaigning workshop which will aim to help carers campaign on issues that matter to you on Tuesday 16 January 2018, 10am-2pm, Stirling Way Community Room in Keynsham, BS31 1DF.

The workshop will cover:

  • What carers are entitled to under the Care Act
  • How to plan a campaign
  • How to influence local decision makers
  • How to use traditional and social media

The workshop will cover the basics of campaigning so you don’t need to have had any previous experience.

Campaigning can feel daunting and we know that carers are busy. But by the end of the workshop, you will have the skills to launch your own campaigns and be equipped with the knowledge that you can make a difference no matter how little – or how much time – you’ve got.

What previous attendees have said:

95% of carers who have attended previous workshops said that they felt they had the skills and confidence to launch their own campaigns and felt empowered by their increased knowledge of the Care Act by the end of the workshop.

“The workshop presentation and being part of a group felt like it built up momentum”. Carer who attended York Carers Workshop.

“The workshop today was very helpful – I have learnt a lot”. Carer who attended Wandsworth Carers Centre Workshop.

Please note:

  • Lunch will be provided.
  • Carers Trust will also cover reasonable expenses for the cost of any care cover that carers need to put in place to attend the workshop.

How to book:

To book, please contact Caroline McAleese, Carers Engagement & Involvement Lead at or 0117 958 9989.