Carers exhibition: share your unique story

Local carer Carina and photographer Tina are looking for carers to take part in an exhibition. Their project, Invisible Army, aims to shine a light on carers through documentary photography and long-form interviews. They have received Arts Council funding to achieve this goal and now they need your help!

They are looking for carers to be photographed doing their everyday duties, while Carina speaks to you about your experiences. Once the story and the photographs are agreed upon by the carer, it will be exhibited along with the others in The Vestibules at the City Hall – thanks to Artspace Livespace – in November 2021.

We want to make the challenges and joy carers cope with every day visible, revealing their labour that is often hidden: to make people who feel underrepresented visible in the public domain. Invisible Army

This will be a chance for you to share your story, raise awareness of carers and have some lovely photos taken of you and the person you care for. They will conduct a risk assessment before they spend time with you and the person you care for and take photographs in a way that is safe for everyone.

If you are interested in getting involved, or have any questions, please contact:

Or visit the Invisible Army website.