Carers Trust research reveals bleak picture for unpaid carers

A new survey by the Carers Trust of carers from across the UK provides a stark assessment of how many of the UK’s seven million unpaid family carers have been plunged even further into financial misery by the cost-of-living crisis.

1 in 7 unpaid carers have had to use a food bank

The survey, ‘I Feel Like I’ve Disappeared’ presents some shocking statistics on the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on unpaid carers, including:

  • One in seven (14%) unpaid carers have had to use a food bank.
  • Almost two thirds (63%) of unpaid carers are worried about being able to afford energy bills.
  • Almost two thirds (64%) of unpaid carers have either had to give up work altogether or reduce their paid hours because of their caring role.
  • 25% have had to cut back on food.
  • 9% have either sold their home or released home equity to pay for essential items.
  • 14% have not been able to pay household bills on time.
  • 39% have had to cut back on other household items.
  • 29% have had to use a credit card to pay for essential household items.
  • 26% have had to borrow money from a friend or a relative.
  • 18% have had to take out a loan.