Consultation events: Help Shape the South Gloucestershire Alcohol Strategy

Are you a carer of someone using drugs or alcohol services in South Gloucestershire? Please see below information on how you can have an input into the local Alcohol Strategy.

South Gloucestershire Council’s Public Health and Wellbeing Division are working with partners to develop an Alcohol Strategy. They need to understand the impact that alcohol may be having on local communities and individuals and their first stage of strategy development is to gather views. They are holding a number of events to gather your views as a carer, member of the public, as stakeholders or as someone who uses their services.

The sessions will last two hours and will begin with a presentation from South Gloucestershire Drug and Alcohol Programme to give some context to the development of the strategy. The main focus of the events will be spending time discussing with you what your priorities are around alcohol, what you feel is working well in South Gloucestershire, where the gaps are and what you see as a priority for the strategy.

Please follow the links below to book a free place at one of the events.

  • 10th June 2019- 1400hrs-1600hrs at the Coniston Community Centre- Room 3
    Click here to book
  • 18th June 2019- 1800hrs- 2000hrs at the Park Centre, Kingswood in the Hall
    Click here to book
  • 24th June 2019- 1000hrs-1200hrs at the Armadillo Youth Café in Yate – Cinema room
    Click here to book