COVID-19 vaccinations

Vaccines for carers

The COVID-19 vaccination programme is well underway. Carers who are registered as carer with their GP (Carers Register) will be invited in for vaccine. This process is already underway in many areas. 

Carers are listed in priority group 6, though many carers will be in a group higher up the list if they are over 65. To ensure you are in the priority group make sure you are registered as a carer with your GP surgery. If you’re on the GP Carers Register, you will be contacted and invited for a vaccine. 

If your GP does not know you are a carer, contact your GP to register as a carer as soon as possibleGiven the current circumstances, your GP surgery is likely to be very busy. Visit their website first to see if it is possible to register as a carer via their website. 

You will either receive your vaccination at the local mass vaccination site at Ashton Gate, your GP practice or one of the pharmacies taking part in the national programme. If you have problems getting to a vaccination destination, you may be able to get a free taxi there and back if this has been booked for you by your doctor’s surgery.

Any young adult carers (under 30 years old) that still require vaccination, please email the mass vaccination email, where you will be offered an alternative to Astra Zeneca if required.

About the vaccine 

The vaccine is free and given as 2 doses. The NHS will let you know when it’s your turn to have your first dose. The 1st dose should give you good protection from coronavirus. But you need to have the 2 doses of the vaccine to give you longer lasting protection. There is a chance you might still get or spread coronavirus even if you have had the vaccine. Therefore, it is crucial that you continue to follow coronavirus rules after being vaccinated. 

Two national organisations, the Seacole Group and the Mosque & Imams National Advisory Board (MINAB), have both issued statements encouraging Black and Asian citizens to have their coronavirus vaccines. Their actions come as opinion polls show that Black and Asian people are more reluctant to be vaccinated, despite the increased risk of contracting COVID-19. MINAB confirms that the vaccines are halal and morally acceptable from an Islamic perspective.

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation has produced an information sheet for those who care for someone with severe learning disabilities. It is called: ‘COVID-19 Vaccine – advice on accessibility and reasonable adjustments for those with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges’. You can read the information sheet here.

For more information on the vaccine, visit the Carers UK Covid Vaccine FAQ page. For general coronavirus information, visit our Coronavirus guidance for carers page.