Cream Tea and Summer Raffle

The Friends of Carers Support Centre warmly invite you to come and treat yourself, and those you care for, to a cream tea and sandwiches on Tuesday 25th June at the Vassall Centre. Tickets cost £6 per person and must be bought in advance. These can be obtained by contacting Margaret Nash at or calling 07712 345 732.

There will also be a raffle held on the day which we hope you feel able to support. This year there are three main prizes plus a whole host of smaller ones to win, including a Vegbox supplied by the Better Food Company, cinema voucher for two at The Watershed, and a free session for a family of four at the PuzzLair Escape Rooms in Bristol.

1st Prize: Short Break in a Luxury Caravan in Cornwall

2nd Prize: Overnight stay at the Harbour Hotel Bristol

3rd Prize: £100 Shopping Voucher

Fancy a go for one of these great prizes? If you haven’t had your book of raffle tickets to sell, or need more, please contact Maria on 0117 939 2562.

This article appeared in the Summer 2019 issue of Carers News. Read more news for local carers: download Carers News.