Early Help Engagement Event

South Gloucestershire Council is reviewing how they collectively provide early co-ordinated and effective information, advice, help and support for children, young people and families. They know that providing this at the right time and in the right way can have a significant positive and sustainable impact for families.

South Gloucestershire Council is hosting two partner engagement sessions;

Each hour long session will include:

  • An overview of why Early Help is important for families, using a range of case studies, displays and videos.
  • Early ideas on what the South Gloucestershire ‘Early Help Offer’ might look like in the future and how it will be delivered
  • The main purpose of this event is to gather people’s views and ideas to shape how you and your organisation will be involved in developing and delivering Early Help.

Everyone who attends and signs in will be entered into a prize draw for a £25 Amazon voucher.

If you have any queries about these events, or are unable to attend but want to provide your suggestions, contact South Gloucestershire Council: EHProject@southglos.gov.uk