Help develop new phone app for carers

Join us for a discussion over pizza about what you would like to see in a carers’ app and help to co-produce it.

Expert Self Care has developed successful phone apps for students on health, plus a DistractApp for people affected by self-injury.

Knut Schroeder, who is a founder of Expert Self Care, is now interested in working with carers to develop a new mobile phone app for carers and would love your input.

This discussion will take place in the Rowlings Room of Carers Support Centre, at The Vassall Centre, Fishponds, 6-8pm on October 1st.

It will be facilitated by Knut Schroeder of Expert Self Care and Caroline McAleese, Carers Engagement & Involvement Lead at Carers Support Centre.

To book, email Dennis Agodzo, Operational Support, Carers Support Centre: or give him a ring on 0117 958 9902. Please let Dennis know if you have any dietary requirements.

If you can’t make this discussion, but would like to be involved in developing the app, please email Caroline McAleese: or give her a ring on 0117 958 9989.

Note: this app would be an extra way for some carers to receive tips, information and support about caring for someone and won’t replace any of the current ways that you receive information or support.