Improving Identification of Young Carers

We are working with Carers Trust, who have been funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, to deliver a train the trainer-style workshop to increase local partners’ knowledge and understanding of young carers. Eight events are being held across England. Upcoming events include:
  • Durham workshop, 5 March 2018: register here 
  • Peterborough workshop, 7 March 2018: register here
  • Birmingham workshop, 8 March 2018: register here

These are free events. Lunch, refreshments, and materials will be provided, including online access to downloadable materials (sent after the events). Delegates will need to meet their own travel costs. 
The expectation is that following the workshop delegates will cascade the training to colleagues in their organisations / teams and it would therefore be helpful if those attending have the support of their organisation to engage in this work.
At the event, you will learn:
·        Who are young carers
·        How you can help identify children who may be young carers
·        What sorts of caring they may do, and how caring impacts on the lives of young carers
·        How to recognise and handle safeguarding and confidentiality issues in relation to young carers
·        How to approach a conversation with a child or parent in an appropriate and sensitive way
·        What the barriers may be to young carers and their families seeking support
·        Guidance and advice on identifying key local stakeholders to involve and how to engage with them
·        Where to find local support and services to support young carers and their families
·        Where to find other resources to help support work with young carers
·        How you can use these resources to engage your organisation / community / group
·        How to go about setting up local projects to oversee and co-ordinate work with young carers