Make sure your next MP pledges to Think Carer

On 8 June the UK elects a new government. That means we have less than two weeks to make sure that everyone who is standing to be elected an MP knows that support for the UK’s 7 million carers should be a top priority for the country.

The election means you get to vote for who you want to represent you in Parliament. If candidates are hearing from people across your local area about unpaid carers, they are more likely to make sure that support for carers is a priority for them, and a priority for the country.

Ask your candidates to take the pledge to Think Carer 2017.

We want the next government to take these steps to help tackle some of the issues faced by carers and ensure carers are given the support they need now and in the future.

  1. Carers need well-funded services which give them the right support at the right time and in the right place
  2. Young carers and young adult carers must be supported to achieve their potential in education, training and employment
  3. Older carers and carers of people with dementia need extra support to look after their own health and wellbeing
  4. Carers of people with mental health problems must be recognised and not ignored
  5. Carers need to be identified early, and their needs responded to

Ask your candidates to take the pledge to Think Carer 2017.