New helpline for LD, mental health and autism carers

Bild has a new helpline to support carers and families of people with learning disabilities, mental health issues or autism with the challenges of living with COVID-19.

Carers, family members and supporters might want to discuss how they are doing, to gain reassurance that they are doing the right thing, or they might want to talk through some ideas and get some practical suggestions.

Sometimes it helps to talk to someone outside of the family who has experience with similar situations. Bild’s qualified and experienced team can provide targeted support and strategies to help get through this uncertain stage of the pandemic. They will be providing phone support and people can book an initial half hour call through Eventbrite.



If you would prefer regular phonecalls with another carer, who can share their their own experience and help you understand what support is available, our mentoring service may be right for you.

Everyone’s caring situation is different, but sometimes it can help to talk to another carer. You may be new to caring and simply don’t know what support is available. Or perhaps something has changed and you are having to tackle a new set of challenges.

Find out more here.