NSPF – Free awareness training for family members & formal carers

Constipation is a condition which can affect up to half of all people with learning disabilities.

This training will help you recognise and manage constipation in people with a Learning Disability.

  • Do you know the risks of untreated constipation?
  • Are you struggling to get the right information and

NSPF offer a 4-hour awareness session:

  • What can cause or worsen constipation?
  • Risks of untreated constipation
  • The importance of monitoring
  • What hinders and what can help?
  • How to overcome barriers & reduce risks

To book please contact NSPF for more information:
Email: michelle.burnett@nspf.co.uk
Telephone: 07917 274 145

Please note that this training is external and not run by Carers Support Centre.