Participate in end of life emergency research

The Emergency Care Research Team at University of the West of England are looking for a member of the public, or a patient who has experience of end of life care, or of caring for someone at the end of their life to join the study team and inform all stages of a developing research project.

The research project is led by Kim Kirby a Senior Research Fellow in Paramedic Science at University of the West of England. The team are in the very early stages of developing a research plan that aims to enable paramedics to identify patients who are approaching the end of their lives and refer these patients to their doctor’s surgery for end of life care planning, where there is not already care planning in place. Going forward the team hope that the research will lead to better care planning for patients who are approaching the end of their lives, allowing the wishes of patients to be met and alleviating distress at the end of life.

As a study team member they would like to invite a patient/public participant to attend, or dial into study team meetings, approximately one every 1-2 months over the next 18 months. Where team meetings are face to face they will take place at the University of the West of England, Glenside Campus. The team will reimburse any travel expenses.

If you would to like have an informal discussion, or express an interest in this opportunity please contact: Kim Kirby by email or telephone: 0117 3286580 Mobile: 07814223934

Closing Date: 20th December 2018