Personal Budgets and Direct Payments – Guide to Personalisation in South Gloucestershire

South Gloucestershire has recently produced a guide to direct payments and personalisation. View the document here!

The guide includes information on what carers should be able to use their direct payments for:

Direct Payments for carers

A Carer’s Direct Payment is a sum of money provided from the council directly to a carer to enable them to have a fulfilling life outside of caring. This can be provided as a one off or ongoing payments.

The amount will depend on the carer’s assessed needs and the outcomes they wish to achieve. It must support you in your caring role and help to keep you well and healthy. For example:

  • To buy goods and services such as household items that can make caring easier
  • To pursue hobbies and leisure activities
  • Training to help you manage your caring role
  • There are a few things you cannot use Direct Payments for:
  • To pay yourself as a carer for the care you provide
  • Anything that is deemed to be illegal or if it does not keep you safe and well
  • Services of a personal care nature (e.g. bathing), respite care or replacement care (e.g. sitting service) for the person you care for. However it may be possible for a direct payment to be given to the service user to meet these needs.

Alongside other topics, direct payments will be discussed at our Carers Rights Day event on 24th November.