South Gloucestershire Carers Strategy Focus Group – November 11

South Gloucestershire Council is writing a new strategy for unpaid carers. This strategy is the council’s plan to support you, working alongside partners in health, social care, employment, education and more. The council wants to produce a plan that is accessible and engaging to unpaid carers.

Please join us to discuss what you think a strategy should look like, how long it should be, whether it should be digital or on paper etc.

There will also be a chance during the meeting to have a break with free coffee, tea, and cake! If you are interested in attending, please read on.

What will I have to do if I take part in the focus group?
To start off we will be comparing 2-3 different strategy documents. You will then need to take part in the discussion which will last no more than two hours and you can stop taking part at any time.

The focus group will be co-facilitated by Susy Giullari, Carers Support Centre – Policy, Engagement and Involvement Lead and Emma Temple, South Gloucestershire Council, Commissioning Officer – Carers. The facilitators will be taking notes and all information will be anonymised and kept strictly confidential.

The focus group will be held at The Vassall Centre, Gill Ave, Bristol BS16 2QQ.

Note: COVID-19 regulations will be observed.

What about expenses?
We can reimburse out-of-pocket expenses that you might incur such as alternative care and transport costs. Please bring receipts wherever possible.