Support network for parents/carers of people with a LD and/or autism

The Hive Avon has created a new support network for parents/carers of people with a learning disability and/or autism. The support network is due to start in July this year and they are looking for parents and carers to join this free group.

This support network provides parents with:

  • The practical information they need to start planning for the future at a pace that suits the whole family.
  • Emotional support so that they can start to think about the future with confidence.
  • The experience and advice of parents who have already made the journey to independence for their son/daughter.
  • The time, space and opportunity to meet and talk with likeminded people to discuss their fears and concerns for the future.
  • We will be starting our new support network in July 2021 which will be delivered via a mixture of face to face and zoom sessions, see attached for further information.

More details can be found in the downloadable leaflet below.