Watch Young Carers Voice’s My Mental Health film

In 2019, Young Carers Voice took part in the “My Mental Health” project funded by Carers Trust. Now, their film aimed at professionals is live on YouTube.

In the film, they talk openly and honestly about how caring affects their mental health. They reveal that how professionals treat them can have a big impact on their mental health. Acknowledging their role and including them in important conversations can alleviate the pressure they are under; while ignoring what they do and keeping them in the dark can make them feel more stressed.

38% of young carers and 45% of young adult carers have problems with mental health. 48% of young carers feel stressed by their caring role. Carers Trust

The film aims to make professionals aware of the impact of caring on young carers’ mental health and what they can do to support them. It is being circulated to professionals in Bristol and South Gloucestershire, including health professionals, social workers and teachers It has also been shown in local multi-agency networking meetings, with members of YCV talking about their experiences and answering questions.

YCV collaborated with boomsatsuma to shoot and edit the film. It was funded by Carers Trust as part of their ‘My Mental Health’ project. You can watch the film on the Young Carers YouTube channel.