About the schools programme

Increase identification, improve outcomes and gain an Award for your school through the Young Carers in Schools programme run in partnership with Carers Trust and The Children’s Society.

By participating your school can demonstrate to Ofsted that your school is meeting the needs of young carers, specifically mentioned in the Common Inspection Framework, 2015.

  • a baseline review – enabling you to prioritise what to do next, this tool contains helpful signposts to the programme materials most relevant and useful to you.
  • a step-by-step guide for leaders, teachers and non-teaching staff – helping you step by step, this resource contains essential tools, templates and guidance. With a tool for each step, no school needs to start from scratch.
  • Webinars, videos and case studies – providing unmissable, expert advice from award-winning schools, unpicking hot topics, and highlighting key guidance on how to apply successfully for a Young Carers in Schools Award.
  • termly eNewsletters – spotlighting key policy developments and new resources, and the very latest programme news.
  • Young Carers in Schools Award – enabling your school to gain recognition for effective practice from several leading charities.
  • staff training – bespoke training for governors, senior leadership, teaching and pastoral staff.
  • assemblies – awareness-raising assemblies for pupils of all ages.
  • termly network meetings – opportunities for school staff to access training and support and to share their good practice.

Bristol & South Glos Young Carers provides expert advice, practical tools and essential support to schools making it easier than ever for your school to get involved.

By participating, your school will:

  • learn how to identify hidden young carers
  • increase the attendance, attainment and wellbeing of this vulnerable pupil group
  • demonstrate you are meeting the needs of this particularly vulnerable group of pupils

Please click here to complete our digital Young Carers in Schools Membership Form.

For more information, please contact Vicki Houselander by using our contact us form or phone 0117 958 9980.


Who Cares in School? 1.23 MB 542 downloads


YCiS Infographic 161.82 KB 254 downloads
