Bristol consultation on Carers Services

Bristol City Council has launched a consultation relating to Carers Services and they are seeking carers’ views. They want to hear from as many carers as possible and will be running consultation events across the city in November.

Your feedback will help to shape the Carers Strategy and implement what services and support they commission in the future. A Carers Strategy helps everyone to agree:

  • what we all want to achieve for, and with, carers
  • what is most important
  • how we can make things better
  • how we can get as many people and services as possible to ‘think carer’.

The council will be running 3 consultation events. These will be held across the city:

  • North – Wednesday 13 November
  • South – Wednesday 20 November
  • Central – Thursday 14 November

Keep an eye out for more details about the consultation and these events, which will be posted on Bristol City Council’s website.

Read the article in your latest issue of Carers News.