Carers Week 2017

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK.

The aim of this year’s Carers Week campaign is to build ‘carer-friendly’ communities. To support this we are planning to make a series of short films, which we will be putting out on Facebook and other social media.

Carers Week Open Meeting:

Do you care for a relative or friend in Bristol or South Glos? If so, you are warmly invited to our get together with other carers for our Carers Week Open Meeting.

The open meeting will take place at The Vassall Centre in Fishponds on Thursday 15th June, 10am-1pm. The event is free with buffet lunch included, but it is essential to book.

To book a place please contact Dennis Agodzo here or call 0117 958 9902 Full details here.

Information stalls in hospitals:

There will be Carers Support Centre information stalls in Bristol’s main hospitals. There will be a stall in the pop-up space of the BRI (opposite the Above and Beyond office) and the National Autistic Society will also be there for some of the week. There will be one of our volunteers or staff there from Monday to Friday, 11am-2pm. A stall will also feature at Southmead Hospital the week before, and at South Bristol Community Hospital the week after.

Fundraising events during Carers Week:

Singing for Carers

On Saturday 17th June we will be singing for carers in Cabot Circus and raising some vital funds for our carers in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Please do pop along and support us! If you can help us fund raise at Cabot Circus we would love to hear from you.

Dragon Boat Race

On Sunday 18th June a team of fabulous fundraisers will be making waves for carers on Bristol Harbourside to raise funds for our Young Adult Carers service. Come and join us in supporting our team of rowers!

Use our website’s contact form to get in touch about these events or any other queries you might have about Carers Week.