GP award scheme launched

We have recently launched a new award scheme for GP practices in South Gloucestershire to show how ‘carer and dementia friendly’ they are.

This is a partnership scheme with South Gloucestershire Public Health and the BNSSG Clinical Commissioning Group.

A checklist has been developed to gauge the progress of each GP practice, which needs to show they have taken actions to identify, support and signpost carers and to assist patients with dementia. There are 3 levels of award: gold, silver and bronze.

For example, points are awarded to GP practices which:

  • display information leaflets on carers organisations and emergency cards
  • signpost carers to support
  • offer flexible appointments for carers and the person they care for
  • routinely include questions in health checks to find out whether the patient is a carer
  • identify carers in medical records
  • provide carer awareness training to their staff.

Wellington Road Family Practice is one of the first GP surgeries to apply to the award scheme. Helen Tillman, the practice manager, said, “This award is an opportunity for the practice to check that we are providing the best possible care and support to our patients and carers. With the help of Carers Support Centre we can ensure we have up-to-date information on the best way to recognise, register and signpost carers who need our support in their caring role.”

Professor Mark Pietroni, Director of Public Health for South Gloucestershire, commented, “Many people are carers and they make a huge contribution to ensuring that people are well looked after. Looking after carers is important as well. The award encourages and recognises best practice in local GP surgeries in South Gloucestershire. It has also been updated to include an assessment of dementia friendly practice as well.”

The scheme is being rolled out over the next 12 months so, if you have a GP practice in South Gloucestershire, look out for the award to see how well your practice is doing.