New counselling service for carers 18+

We have been working hard over the last few months to develop our new carer wellbeing services and are now able to start offering counselling to all carers over 18 in Bristol and South Glos.

The service is available at no charge through our funding from Big Lottery Fund and Bristol Ageing Better. Counselling is confidential and you can speak to the counsellor about whatever you wish to. We offer 6 consecutive weekly sessions of counselling by telephone, skype or email. Our counsellors are fully qualified and members of a recognised professional counselling organisation and hold full insurance.

“I found it helpful and was quite amazed at how understood I felt so quickly over the phone.”

How to refer yourself to the counselling service

Counselling is confidential and you can speak to the counsellor about whatever you wish to. It can help you:
• understand how you are feeling
• see things differently
• clarify and address problems
• manage uncertainty and change better
• explore things in the past which feel difficult now
• consider the future and any changes you want to make.

To be eligible for the service, you must:
• live in Bristol or South Glos
• be aged 18 or over
• not currently be in receipt of counselling or specialist mental health support elsewhere.

For more information, contact us, or call our Counselling Co-ordinator on: 0117 958 9977

Buddying and befriending

We are also developing our buddying and befriending services for carers and aim to have these available from March / April 2019 respectively. Our befriending service will provide regular emotional support by telephone, skype or email for up to a year, every 2-4 weeks. Our buddying service will be specifically for newly identified carers who want more practical support and help navigating local health and social care services and identifying local support. To register for the service or find out more, or to volunteer, please contact us, or call our Wellbeing Co-ordinator on: 0117 937 5623

Can you help us?

We are setting up a steering group to help us with the development and planning of the wellbeing service, and design publicity. You would only need to commit a couple of hours per month and could do this from home. To find out more contact us or call: 0117 958 5623

Lottery Community Fund