Parkinson’s Carers Support Event Coming up in November

On 14 November, Sirona Care and Health is holding an event for people who live with someone with Parkinson’s about the services to carers offered at Carers Support Centre. This event is bookable by partners or family members who care for and live with someone with Parkinson’s.

The Parkinson’s carers support event will run from 13.30 to 16.00 on Thursday 14 November at The Vassall Centre in Fishponds.

A series of talks will outline the services at Carers Support Centre, including emotional support services. There will also be a physiotherapist, speech and language therapist and occupational therapist available for you to ask questions. There will be time for general group discussion and an opportunity for you to share your experiences too. Tea and coffee will be available throughout the afternoon.

If you fit the criteria for the event and would like to learn about the services we offer at Carers Support Centre, you must register to attend this event. Places are limited so be sure to book your place as soon as possible.

Please register with Becky McSherry, secretary, Downend Clinic, telephone 0300 125 6182 or email Rebecca McSherry at