Further Consultation on Talking Therapies Services

Earlier in the year, we were contacted by Bristol North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) about their consultation on Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT).

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Consultation: Deadline for responding to Talking Therapies extended

As some of you will be aware, BNSSG (Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire) Clinical Commissioning Groups are re-designing and re-commissioning talking therapies services. This includes counselling, CBT and group therapy.

Have you accessed talking therapies? Has the person that you care for accessed them? Do you have any views that you would like to feed in?

The deadline for filling out the online survey has now been extended until 15th February.

You can fill this out by clicking here!

Focus Groups for Carers on Talking Therapies

Talking therapies services (otherwise known as Improving Access to Psychological Therapies – IAPT) are being recommissioned and redesigned in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset.  IAPT services provide support for adults who are experiencing low mood, anxiety and depression, stress, excessive worry or difficulties controlling emotions. These therapies are sometimes known as ‘talking therapies’.  Typical treatments include cognitive behavioural therapies, mindfulness, counselling, couples therapies, psychodynamic therapy, psychosexual therapy, and group-based support.

We’d like to invite you to attend a focus group so that we can make sure that your views on how these services could be improved, what should be included in the redesign and also, any positive experiences that you or the person you care for have experienced (if any) around talking therapies.

Continue reading “Focus Groups for Carers on Talking Therapies”