Support in GP practices

A dedicated team working with GP practices to help identify and support carers.

Working with Carers in Montpelier Health Clinic

Ask your GP practice to be put on their Carers Register.

Being on the Carers Register notes that we are a carer and puts a note on the record of our cared-for that we are their carer.

There are other benefits to being on the Carers Register. These will vary from practice to practice but often include:

  • greater flexibility around managing appointments
  • setting up repeat prescriptions
  • free annual health checks
  • free flu vaccinations.

Some GP practices also offer telephone callbacks and email consultations, which can be helpful for carers who find it difficult to leave the person they care for.

Remember your GP practice is there for you and the person you care for. By letting them know
what your needs are, you can help them to help you

Our GP Carer Liaison Workers work with GP practices across Bristol and South Gloucestershire providing information, guidance and support for carers.

This includes:

  • helping you access services
  • offering emotional support and advice relevant to your caring role
  • helping you communicate your needs or concerns or those of the person you care for to health professionals
  • helping you to look at financial support/benefits for you and the person you care for
  • advising you as to whether you are entitled to a Carers Assessment and where appropriate, helping you to complete and submit an assessment to the local authority.
  • providing you with information about carer services and support in your local area.

Carers Surgeries are monthly one-to-one information, advice and support clinics for carers, provided by our GP Carer Liaison Worker. The GP practice provides the room and takes responsibility for identifying carers and booking them in for appointments.

A Carers Surgery appointment offers:

  • support to access appropriate child or adult care services
  • Carers Assessments, which may result in a direct payment to take a break from caring
  • a conversation about disability and carers’ benefits
  • emotional support and a chance to talk about how caring is affecting you
  • help to identify things that will help you and/or the person you care for
  • information about the Carers Emergency Card
  • referrals to a range of specialist organisations e.g. for help with applying for benefits, employment advice and counselling

If you need our help or would like more information, please contact our GP Carer Liaison Workers team via CarersLine.

CarersLine is open:

Monday to Friday: 10 am – 1 pm
Monday to Thursday: 2 pm – 4 pm
(Closed on Bank Holidays)

0117 965 2200

An answerphone operates outside of these hours and your call will be returned when the helpline next opens.

Alternatively, use our contact form to receive a personal reply the same or the next working day.

Download our Carers Liaison service leaflet for more information about how we can help you at the GP and if you or the person you care for has to go to the hospital.

Page last updated 13.02.24