The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

Working together for learning disability: for nurses, families and carers.

This workshop is for family carers and learning disability nurses based in or near Bristol. Learning disability nurses and families of people with learning disabilities often want to work better together to meet the needs of people with learning disabilities. This workshop by The Challenging Behaviour Foundation is designed to take a look at how they can make things better, to help to co-produce and navigate services and to enable mutual understanding.

The workshop is designed to use their expertise and long experience of co-production and bringing together families, carers, professionals, to work alongside each other. Using Case Studies discussion, guided table top working, enabling effective listening and sharing, they will support safe exploration of relationships, siloes, accessibility, pathways and trauma.

For more details, please CLICK HERE to go to their webpage.

If you are interested, please contact or phone 01634 838739.