Wellbeing course for young adult carers

With funding from Warburtons, we have developed a six-week course to help young adult carers look after their health, fitness and mental wellbeing. This also includes setting up an ongoing support group.

National research from Carers Trust reports 45% of young adult carers between the ages of 16 and 25 as having a mental health problem (including anxiety, depression and eating disorders). This is why we feel it is so important to offer training and support to carers of this age to adopt a healthy lifestyle for their adult lives.

The first of the courses has just started, with a further 3 courses to run in the coming months. Each course will last 6 weeks, with sessions lasting 2 hours in the evening to cover; nutrition and menu planning on a budget, mindfulness, art therapy, a guided walk and a celebration event.

If you, or someone you know, would like to come on one of the courses, contact the Young Carers Team on 0117 958 9980 or use our online contact form.