Carers Week 2024 at Carers Support Centre

Carers Week presents an opportunity to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges you face and recognise the contribution you make to families and communities throughout the UK. This year’s theme is ‘‘Putting Carers on the Map‘.

Thursday 13 June at BAWA Healthcare & Leisure
BAWA Healthcare & Leisure
589 Southmead Road
Bristol BS34 7RF

During Carers Week 2024, on Thursday 13 June, we’ll be presenting a special event for you at the BAWA Leisure Centre.

The day will cover many aspects of your caring life and present practical information to help you while giving you a chance to meet with other carers and join in with wellbeing activities. 

The Event will also be an ideal opportunity to meet our new CEO, Carl Tams. As well as introducing the Event, Carl and Carers Support Centre staff will be on hand to answer any questions about our services.  

There will also be a chance to visit information stalls provided by organisations that deliver carer-related services and information. 

If you’d like to join us, pre-booking your place is essential. Please note that it is not possible to bring along people you care for.

9.30 – 10.15 Registration and coffee – The Ballroom 

10.15-10.30 Welcome and Intro – The Ballroom 

  • Carl Tams, CEO, Carers Support Centre  

10.30 – 11.00 Presentation – Introducing the Carers Time Team – The Ballroom 

11.00 – 11.30 Break – A chance to visit the information stalls – The Ballroom 

  • See below for exhibitors

11.30 – 1.30 Carers Choice – In-person table presentations/discussions – The Ballroom + Conference Room 1  Cafe style – 3 x ½ hour sessions repeated 

  • Table 1 – Carer Breaks – help us plan what you need – South Gloucestershire Council
    • Building on South Gloucestershire’s Carers Strategy, we know that one of the things carers tell us is that there is a lack of time to themselves. We have been successful in obtaining some grant funding from the Department of Health and Social Care (Accelerating Reform Funding), and we have made carer breaks one of the priorities we want to look at with this funding. We would like to test some ideas with you and hear from you what will help, from small changes we can help to make, to types of support you would need to give you a break within your caring role. Come along and talk to us and let’s plan together.
  • Table 2 – St. Peter’s Hospice – Support for Carers
    • Our purpose is to give adults in our communities the support, comfort and dignity they need as they move towards the end of their lives. We know that one of the key ways to do this is to be there for family members and friends caring for them. Come along to hear about how we do this.
  • Table 3 – NHS Talking Therapies – Vita Health Group
    •  Service Development Officer, Greg Juckeston: “My presentation will be designed to give an introduction to our service, talking about who we are and are not appropriate for as well as how to access support when you need it. We will talk through what is on offer in our service, and how it will support when you are feeling low or worried. I will also talk through a typical journey in our service so you know what to expect, as well as some examples of what we offer to give you a better idea of how our service works.” 
  • Table 4 – North Bristol NHS Trust Respect form – North Bristol Healthcare Trust 
    • Adopted by North Bristol Trust in 2019, ReSPECT forms (Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment) have become a routine part of a patient’s admission and help ensure patients receive care that aligns with their values and goals. One particularly emotive aspect of these discussions is the decision of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This talk will aim to answer questions and offer practical information for patients and carers who may have completed ReSPECT forms previously or intend to in the future.
  • Table 5 – Co-designing the Carers Strategy for Bristol – Bristol City Council
    • Bristol City Council are working with Carers in the city to co-design a new all-age strategy that sets out key priorities for the years ahead. The strategy will draw on the vision for adult social care in Bristol to determine what outcomes are needed to make the vision a reality for Carers. We would like to hear from Carers about their experiences and whether the all-age strategic priorities that are currently in place are still relevant or whether they need changing. There will be an opportunity to volunteer to take part in subsequent focus groups later in the year.
  • Another chance to visit the information stalls  – The Ballroom
    • See below for exhibitors

1.30 – 2.15  

  • Networking Lunch – The Pavilion Lounge 
  • Another chance to visit the information stalls – The Pavilion Lounge and The Ballroom 
    • See below for exhibitors

2.15 – 3.15

Singing for Wellbeing – The Ballroom 

  • Emma and Denise, Music Therapists, Soundwell Music Therapy
    • We will run a body/breath/vocal warm-up to relax and prepare the body for singing so that the singing voice can be expressed more freely. We will learn and sing a simple warm-up song. The focus here will be on the enjoyment and pleasure of singing together without having to concentrate on anything complicated. We then sing a well-known song together and end with some brief reflection on how we are feeling afterwards and any take-aways for the day or week ahead. ALL VOICES ARE WELCOME


Walk and Talk – Out and about

  • Stacey Vallis, Walk & Talk Project Officer, Carers Support Centre
    • Our friendly support worker will lead a group walk offering a listening ear and providing support to help carers in your caring role.

3.15 – 3.30- End – Thank you and Evaluation – The Ballroom 

  • Carl Tams, CEO, Carers Support Centre  

We’ll be joined by organisations that deliver carer-related services and information, including:

GWR Accessibility Policy 
Research involvement/ConnectEd  
Mobility Advice Service and Driving and Mobility Centre 
Chinese Well-being Society 
Age UK South Glos. 
Bristol Dementia Action Alliance 
Age UK Bristol  
St Peter’s Hospice 
Soundwell Music Therapy 
South Glos Council, Assistive Technology service 
Parkinsons UK  
North Bristol Advice Centre  
Bristol Water – Together for Good
Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust (AWP) 
The Mindful Life

You have until Friday, June 7 to book your place.

You can easily book your place online at Eventbrite.

Or contact us by phone or email and give us the following information: 

  • Your name 
  • Your address 
  • Your telephone number 
  • Any dietary requirements you may have  

Tel: 0117 958 9902  

As well as the event, we’ll be marking Carers Week with other activities.

A safe, confidential space to meet with other carers face-to-face and online – to share information and provide support to each other. 

  • Kingswood Carer Support Group – 12 June 
  • Hartcliffe Carer Support Group – 13 June 

Our friendly support worker leads group walks offering a listening ear and providing support to help carers in your caring role.

  • Lawrence Weston Walk and Talk – Tuesday 11 June 
  • South Bristol Walk and Talk – Thursday 13 June