Carers Support Centre celebrates after receiving National Lottery funding for Walk and Talk for carers

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Art and Creative Writing Support For Carers, Through “Outside In” and The “Arkbound Foundation” 

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Calling all parents and carers of Children with SEND 📢

There are still places for parents and carers to join IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice) on Tuesday 15 August for a FREE webinar: ‘My child is out of school – what can I do?’

The webinar will provide valuable guidance for families of children with SEND who are out of school due to illness, exclusion, school anxiety, or lack of a school place.

The webinar will be delivered by members of the IPSEA expert legal team and will cover crucial topics, including:

  • Reasons why children may not be in school,
  • What to do if a child or young person with an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan is out of school,
  • What to do if a child or young person without an EHC plan is out of school,
  • What the law says for different age groups, and
  • Next steps and where to go for help. 

Reserve your space here:

Parent carers in Bristol – Be quick to have your say in Ofsted’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (LASEND) inspection survey

Ofsted are running a survey for Bristol parents to respond to the to the significant weaknesses found in their September 2019 Local Area Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (LASEND) inspection. 

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