Welcome to Walk and Talk

Our friendly support worker leads group walks offering a listening ear and providing support to help carers in your caring role.

Want to improve your health and wellbeing? Want to enjoy a walk with other carers? Want to get useful information and advice about the support available to you?

Walk and Talk is for you.

Why not join us for an easy walk around a local green area? You will get a chance to enjoy being outdoors in the company of other carers.

One of our friendly support workers will lead the walk, offer a listening ear and provide information to support you in your caring role.

The groups will meet over six weeks and take place in a local green space. There will be a mixture of groups:

  • for carers on your own
  • for you and those you care for
  • age-specific, for example, if you are a young adult carer

All carers are welcome, we aim to make the walks as inclusive as possible. Whatever your background, whatever your walking ability, come and join us and your fellow carers on a Walk and Talk.

It is free to take part, all we need is your company.

Here are our current weekly walks, which continue for 6 sessions.

Open toLocationTimeFirst and last walk dates
CarersBaddock’s WoodEvery Monday from 11:00 am to 12:30pm18 July – 5 September
Carers and dependantsYateEvery Monday from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm22 July – 9 September

To join in, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch, or contact our Walk & Talk Project Officer, Stacey Vallis:

We look forward to walking with you!

Download our Walk and Talk FAQ

“I feel so isolated as a carer, so it is fantastic to be out chatting with other people who understand what it’s like.”

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Page last updated 14.02.24